About me
- Member of the Firefox Developer Tools team
- Worked on the debugger, console, network monitor, profiler, scratchpad, Valence and more
- Worked with JavaScript, Java, C/C++, Perl and more in 15+ yrs
- Worked with amazing people
- Why a Developer Edition?
- Latest updates on Devtools
- Latest additions to the toolset
- Q & A
Why a Developer Edition?
- A better browser for experts
- Removed security belts
- Trim dark theme with more space for content
- Smoother updates
- Latest Web API updates
- A better developer tool
- More consistent UI with devtools
- Has the latest & greatest devtools
- Powerful authoring tool
- Mobile-debugging ready
Storage panel
Image thumbnails
Security information
JSON response preview
More accessible colors
Color picker
Animation tools
Responsive Design
Test layout behavior in different screen sizes
Valence and WebIDE
- "The Web is the platform"
- The cure for platform fragmentation
- Develop, Debug & Deploy with WebIDE
- Create, package, deploy, debug remotely
- Familiar environment
- Lightweight, free
- Use one tool to debug ALL THE THINGS
- Not a mandatory workflow at all
- WiFi debugging
Available targets
- Everything Firefox
- Firefox Desktop
- Firefox on Android
- FirefoxOS
- Firefox embeddings
- Chrome Desktop
- Chrome on Android
- Safari on iOS
New performance tool
Event timeline
Memory measurements
JS optimizations
Debugging WebGL
WebGL demo
More demos and docs
Canvas Debugging
Debugging Web Audio
Thank You
- Questions, feedback:
- Homework: